On Thu, Feb 20, 2003 at 02:02:24PM -0300, Frédéric L. W. Meunier wrote:
> I bet I'm too. Well, sue me ? Can I provide a link ? Or what
> about the Cygwin people making the latest released cygwin1.dll
> available like the snapshots ? Then I'd just link to it.
> I make cygwin1.dll.bz2 available so that people can run the
> static binaries.

If you provide the Cygwin DLL in binary form, you must provide
the sources of that version as well.

> I'm not allowed to transfer more than 100Mb a month.
> cygwin-1.3.18-1-src.tar.bz2 is 4631969 bytes. While I don't
> think many people would download the sources...

Sure but why not simply point to the Cygwin home page anyway and not
providing your own Cygwin DLL binary?  No binary, no licensing problems.


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