Stephen Ford wrote:
I posted an item on 17/02/03 (The Cygwin mailing lists are rather archaic
and cumbersome aren't they...?), which looks as though it has been taken as
a criticism of people supporting this mailing list. It was not the intention
so I apologise for any offence given. The phrase "support systems" was only
a comment about the computer systems.

The delay in posting this has been caused by the difficulties I've had with
configuring Outlook Express to manage the mailing list, and with the GMANE
site that I am using to translate between the OEx newsreader and the cygwin
mailing list. This is the fourth attempt at posting.

Just out of curiosity, why is a mailing list used when it seems far simpler
for users to connect to a newsgroup?
Ease is in the eye of the beholder.

This has all been hashed out in the email archives more than once.  I
refer you to the archives if you're interested in hearing all sides of the
previous discussions on this topic.  One very important issue that came out
of all that - not all Cygwin users have access to newsgroups.

Larry Hall                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
RFK Partners, Inc.            
838 Washington Street                   (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
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