On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 09:55:26AM +1000, John Williams wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Two things - first of all, as of 00:00 GMT Cygwin.com appears to be 
> down.  Hope it's nothing too serious.
> Secondly, can you please tell me how to obtain, via the setup installer, 
> a prior version of the Cygwin base installation?  I'm using some 3rd 
> party software tools that were built upon Cygwin 1.3.13, and am having 

Simply recompile the software from sources.

> versioning issues when trying to run them under 1.3.20.  Setup.exe 
> defaults to downloading and installing the most recent distro, but I 
> need to wind back the clock a couple of versions.


| Marcel Telka   e-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
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