On 16 Feb 2003, Robert Collins wrote:

> On Sun, 2003-02-16 at 10:41, Peter A. Castro wrote:
> > Where, exactly, did you read this (a link to some doc would be
> > enightening)?  I see nothing about this in Googles documentation of Page
> > Ranking.  And, google isn't the only search engine out there.  I'd think
> > you'd want to try and get as much exposure as possible in as many engines
> > as possible. 
> An interview on slashdot some time back.

And you believe everything you read on slashdot ?-)

Seriously, I can't seem to find this interview.  I've been reading
several articles on google lately (like the paper "The PageRank Citation
Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web (1998)").  I've been searching
articles on google, itself, as well as slashdot and several other search
engines, and they don't say anything about text repetition in a page
devaluing it's ranking. 

If you can either give me a link or a specific title from the article,
I'll see if I can find it. 

Anyways, to get a better ranking in Google, you'd need some important
sites to link to Cygwin's install page.  I've always wondered how,
exactly, an "important" site is determined.  Simply having lots of links
to your site isn't enough to make it "important".  I wonder if RedHat's
site is considdered "important" enough.  If so, see if maybe the RedHat
folks would be willing to place a Cygwin link on their home page.

> Rob

        "Cats are just autistic Dogs" -- Dr. Tony Attwood

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