On Wed, Feb 12, 2003 at 04:08:05PM -0600, Jason Waldhelm wrote:
> hello,
> I've noticed a problem with the cron service and as of yet, haven't found any 
> posts that echo my problem.  It seems whenever the system date is changed on 
> the computer on which cron is running as a service, the cron daemon stops 
> functioning.  The service itself doesn't appear to stop (Windows 2000 Server 
> reports it as running), but all jobs scheduled to run via cron cease 
> functioning after the date is changed.  I've managed to work around this 
> problem scheduling cron restart jobs via the Windows Task Scheduler, but it 
> is still a nuisance.

It's a known (non-Cygwin specific) problem in Paul Vixie's cron.  The best
help is to keep the machine always sync'd to a reliable time server.


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