On Mar 17 22:20, Dan Shelton via Cygwin wrote:
> Hello!
> Mad? idea:
> Would there be any objections if Cygwin would be integrated into
> ReactOS, and always shipped as part of ReactOS?

As long as you adhere to the license, feel free.

But it doesn't make sense to me.  A Unix service in the usual sense
would be a subsystem on top of the NT kernel, in parallel to the Windows
subsystem.  Kind of like the old POSIX subsystem or WSL.

Cygwin is merely a user space DLL and a distro of POSIX tools running in
the Windows subsystem.  If you want to use it on Reactos, just install

And don't forget that this isn't a no-brainer.  Somebody would have to
maintain the fork.  The DLL alone won't be enough, so you'd have to
prepare not only Cygwin, but an entire, albeit smaller Reactos distro.


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