On 3/17/2025 4:20 PM, Dan Shelton via Cygwin wrote:

Is *ANY* of the compiler packages in the Cygwin package repository
capable of building Windows kernel modules, including SEH2 exceptions
(try, catch, leave, finally)?


I doubt it, if you mean specifically cygwin, since it's a library
designed to provide a POSIX interface to programs, making it easier
to port them from Linux platforms.  It does have ways to call a
number of Windows functions, but that's not what it was primarily
designed to do.

However, MSYS2 *might* be more likely since it is designed to
support more of a native Windows interface.  I couldn't say
concerning kernel modules - that might be the deal breaker.

I am not expert on these things, but have been on the mailing list
for over 20 years - you pick up some things :-) ...

HTH - Eliot Moss

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