On 2025-03-09 08:16, Camm Maguire via Cygwin wrote:
Greetings, and thank you all for your work on this system.
1) I am preparing a set of GCL releases, both of which basically work on
latest cygwin, but the signal handling seems to have been recently
broken.  Specifically, GCL can trap and handle SIGFPE when these
exceptions are enabled.  Under gdb, the signal appears, but then a
SIGTRAP is caught in kernel.dll under secure_getenv(), and the handler
is never called.  Thoughts?

Which release?

        $ uname -srvmo

If current stable 3.5.7, try the latest 3.6.0-0.42?.g* test releases, which have a number of signal handling fixes and improvements, still being reworked to conform to more specs and expected operation, with hundreds of processors/threads, and thousands of concurrent processes/threads used at some large European research institutes.

2) I am considering volunteering as a maintainer.  I see the docs
describing the procedure.  I maintain some packages for Debian, and
wondering if there was any simplification in avoiding duplicate work

Some Cygwin packagers/maintainers also develop or support the packages on other distros.

Cygwin has some common heritage from Fedora like policies, similar to DFSG, package naming, and usages like -devel and -debuginfo vs -dev or -dbg, but *cygport* is closer to Gentoo portage ebuilds, implemented in bash, and for some packages can do a lot of rote grunt work for you, that you have to explicitly define for Debian etc.


for example:



or install cygport and access:

        $ cygstart /usr/share/doc/cygport/html/manual/toc_index.html

which should open the docs in your default Windows browser.

For new ports or modernizing adopted packages, I hacked a script to check Fedora and OpenSuSE sources for spec files, download if not already available locally, and do a "good enough" ~90% conversion to cygport.

So far, for only a few Debian sources, I found it easier to download the debian/ directory, cat or cp the relevant files (mostly dsc, control, and rules) then cygport-ize or Cygwin-ize the contents. But you may find it helps you adapt if you hack your own download and conversion script in your favourite associative memory language.

I have also found Fedora, OpenSuSE, and Debian sources useful for patches.

In general, these topics are best discussed on cygwin-apps, to which all packagers, maintainers, and contributors are expected to subscribe.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis              Calgary, Alberta, Canada

La perfection est atteinte                   Perfection is achieved
non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter  not when there is no more to add
mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retrancher  but when there is no more to cut
                                -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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