On 08/03/2025 11:39, Marco Atzeri wrote:
On 08/03/2025 06:10, Saul Tobin via Cygwin wrote:

Based on this, it appears to me that when an in-place rename is performed
by `mv`, it calls into a Win32 API that enforces the 260 character
MAX_PATH. I can see in the trace that the error is occurring within a Win32
call stack for resolving absolute path names, though the error code isn't
specific enough to distinguish the precise reason for the failure.

I tried enabling LongPathsEnabled in the registry, but I get the same `mv`
error after doing so and rebooting.

Hi Saul,

my experiment with "mv" breaks near 4090 path length
with "File name too long" and this in not the error
from lilypond build.

Moving a directory that contains 999 levels
and final path up to 8880 character is not a problem.


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