On Wed, 19 Feb 2025 07:59:00 +0100
Cedric Blancher wrote:
> Good morning!
> Cygwin 3.6.0-0.374.g4dd859d01c22.x86_64 on Win10/AMD64/64bit:
> Pipe between Cygwin and non Cygwin (CRT/URT) randomly loses
> characters. We do not have a reproducer yet, but it is happening at
> least hourly on our test machines. Sometimes we only get a single
> character, and sometimes words are missing.
> Typically it happens like this:
> bash -c 'typeset bar="$( powershell -Command ...) ; echo "${bar}""',
> where bar does not contain the full output

Please provide full command line that can reproduce your problem.

> Same happens with dash and ksh93.
> This does not happen between Cygwin processes, i.e. if I compile a
> program with UCRT and read from a Cygwin program it fails, and if I
> compile the same sources against Cygwin and pipe it into a Cygwin
> program it works.

Do you mean the result is as expected with cygwin 3.5.7?

Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp>

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