On 18/02/2025 11:48, Sam Edge via Cygwin wrote:
On 18/02/2025 00:17, Brian Inglis via Cygwin wrote:
On 2025-02-17 16:34, Sam Edge via Cygwin wrote:
On 17/02/2025 23:21, Brian Inglis via Cygwin wrote:
On 2025-02-17 07:48, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin wrote:
On 17/02/2025 15:31, Sam Edge via Cygwin wrote:
On 17/02/2025 11:29, Federico Kircheis via Cygwin wrote:

I mentioned this a while ago but the 'units' package also has a dependency on 'python39' and 'python39-requests'. This is purely because of the currency updater script (/usr/bin/unit_cur) I believe.

Splitting the updater script out and have it depend upon units, python3 & requests sounds like a sensible approach although I don't know how much extra fiddling that would require when releasing upstream changes next time around. (Sorry, I've not found the time to grok cygport yet. So many tools, so little time! ;-))

splitting is a minor operation in this case as
there is only one file that is pulling python

$ file /usr/bin/units_cur
/usr/bin/units_cur: Python script, Unicode text, UTF-8 text executable

so if this file is moved to a new binary package (e.g units-tool)
that package will require units and python, while the remaining package
will require the usual stuff

 $ cyg-dependency.sh /usr/bin/units.exe
/usr/bin/cygwin1.dll  =>  cygwin-3.5.7-1
/usr/bin/cygreadline7.dll  =>  libreadline7-8.2-2
KERNEL32.dll  =>   Windows System


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