Hi Takashi,

I think there is still issue on pipe redirection output lost.
I have two cases where during package tests the test are reported as failures as the output is missing, while running the test stand alone the output is produced as expected.

The simplest one is relative to gdbm

the four tests that are failing are the ones in which a input is also provided

30: Input from file FAILED (gdbmtool00.at:20) 31: Input from stdin FAILED (gdbmtool01.at:20) 32: Input from command line FAILED (gdbmtool02.at:20) 33: Initialization file FAILED (gdbmtool03.at:19)

but running the tests stand alone the expected output is produced

$ cat >input <<'_ATEOF'


$ PATH="/pub/devel/gdbm/gdbm-1.24-1.x86_64/inst/usr/bin:${PATH}" gdbmtool -f input | sed 's/^GDBM version.*/GDBM version/'
Database file: junk.gdbm
Database is not open
define key string
define content string
GDBM version

It fails locally and on SCALLYWAG. Both on 3.5.7 and latest 3.6.0-dev

the other case is gdal

for this case the build is much more demanding and the tests pass
though cmake/ctest. I have not check all the tests in this case
but the one I checked have the same issue: running the test stand alone produce the expected result while during the ctest run no output is

Thanks in advance

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