On 2025-02-10 12:32, Brian Inglis via Cygwin wrote:
> One can avoid any issues by running Cygwin programs only from other Cygwin 
> programs, and Windows programs only from other Windows programs.

Microsoft has provided a documented algorithm, which is implemented in the 
ShellAPI function CommandLineToArgvW, and in the CRT module that prepares 
arguments for the main or wmain functions of Microsoft Visual C/C++ programs.

I believe that the algorithm is sound in that it can round-trip any argv[] 
vector to string, and then back to recover an identical argv[].

(Am I correct?)

If that is the case, there is no reason why a POSIX layer on Windows would not 
use that algorithm, since it meets its requirements for passing an argv[] from 
one process to another, and is compatible with recommendations from the OS 
vendor, with a reference implementation (for the parsing direction) present in 
every Windows (ShellAPI).

What I've noticed in Cygwin is that it destroys the command line! When you call 
GetCommandLineW in a Cygwin process, you get an empty line. I recently posted 
here about this. That means you cannot ignore the arguments given in main() and 
just do it yourself.

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