For quite a while, we've been using bitbucket for our intranet code 
repositories.  I typically use ssh auth for this. I have my key registered in 
our servers.  I have been able to use the Cygwin git for this, and it all works 

I'm now trying to connect to our new enterprise Github repositories.  I have 
created a PAT in Github. I've verified that it works by testing it with some 
code using the github rest api.  Until now, I haven't attempted a clone from 
the new repositories or pushing to them.  When I attempt the clone using Cygwin 
git, it prompts me for a username and password, which I'm unable to supply.  If 
I instead do the clone using Windows Git, it just does it.  It's not clear to 
me whether it's even using the PAT under the covers. I'm not sure how that 

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