On Thu, Jan 30, 2025 at 2:34 PM Cedric Blancher
<cedric.blanc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does the ms-nfs41-client support NFS_SPECFILE_FIFO and NFS_SPECFILE_SOCK?

No, but if Cygwin implements this for the Microsoft NFSv3 client then
I'll add support for ms-nfs41-client and ms-nfs42-client ASAP.

But I really would prefer if Cygwin would NOT use |NFS_SPECFILE_LNK|
(all other |NFS_SPECFILE_*| would be OK), because it seems to be
limited to |2050| bytes, while ms-nfs41-client/ms-nfs42-client doesn't
have such a limit (currently supported are 4096 byte long paths, which
sites like CERN&&Pasteur really use (measured by the bug reports about
"... paths with 3280 bytes etc don't work...") ...).

Question for Corinna:
Why did Cygwin never use


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 (o.\ \/ /.o) roland.ma...@nrubsig.org
  \__\/\/__/  MPEG specialist, C&&JAVA&&Sun&&Unix programmer
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