On 31/01/2025 04:41, Mercurio, Steven W-CTR (FAA) via Cygwin wrote:
I need to install a newer version of Ansible but that required a newer version 
of python.  Is it hard to create a cygwin package?  I tried and failed to 
compile python 3.13.1 from source in cygwin.

Hi Steven,

There is a test version of python 3.12 , see


let me know if other python-* subpackages are needed for Ansible,
I will put them up in the list of TODO


PS: If was easy for Python , we already had it long time ago ;-)

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  • python >=3.11 on Cygwin? Mercurio, Steven W-CTR (FAA) via Cygwin
    • Re: python >=3.11 on Cygwi... Marco Atzeri via Cygwin

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