On Wed, 25 Dec 2024, Jeremy Drake via Cygwin wrote:

> We ran into hang issues with libtool linking imagemagick in msys2, using
> version based on 3.5.5, 3 times in a row on our ARM64 runner.  We applied
> your v2 patch to our 3.5.5 branch (with the change of current_sig to sig),
> and the issue no longer occurred.  (I also tested with the existing 3.5.4
> version, and it didn't hang either).
> Note that kill -CHLD to either the child sh.exe or the parent make.exe did
> not unblock things, but killing sh.exe (SIGTERM) did cause the make to
> fail as expected.

We (msys2) are seeing additional hangs, even with your v2 patch applied.
We haven't yet been able to get a reproducible test case, but I thought I
should give you a heads-up that there's still some hang problem.

Discussion at https://github.com/msys2/msys2-runtime/pull/251

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