On 2024-11-04 12:20, Federico Kircheis via Cygwin wrote:
up until recently I've uploaded packages the following way
export SSH_KEY=/path/to/id_rsa;
cygport /path/to/file.cygport upload
but today I got the following error
cd: Fatal error: max-retries exceeded
I've fixed it by copying my key in the .ssh folder
cp $SSH_KEY ~/.ssh/id_rsa
cygport /path/to/file.cygport upload
So it is not blocking me, but I wanted to know if this was a known bug, or if I am the only one experiencing it.




Path to the SSH private key corresponding to the public key registered for uploading on sourceware. You'll need to set this if your private key isn't already loaded into a running ssh-agent(1), and it doesn't have one of the expected file names such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa. Also, setting this allows cygport to determine if a passphrase is needed to decrypt the key, and only prompt you for a passphrase if it's needed.
Otherwise, you'll be prompted for a passphrase every time you upload.

Instead of `ssh-agent` and `ssh-add`, you can use `keychain` in your login profile, which allows cross-session sharing, across X and terminal sessions, and logouts, for example:
        $ eval `/usr/bin/keychain --noask --eval ~/.ssh/id_rsa`
        $ keychain ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis              Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retirer     but when there is no more to cut
                                -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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