On 30 Oct 2024, at 16:06, Brian Inglis via Cygwin <cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:
> Trying to update a package using c++ (requires gcc 12.4+ for adequate c++ 
> 2020 support) and getting confusing error messages.
> It appears that noexcept in the header files may here redefined by the 
> compiler or headers as __GLIBC_NOEXCEPT.
> Those errors look to me like a failure to detect that *glibc* is not 
> available.
> Or is *GLIBCXX* actually *glib* for *cxx*, so this could be a library or 
> compiler issue?
> It appears that str::size() should be a constexpr but something messes it up.
> Or is something else going on here?

As far as I can determine, even a simple example does not work for gcc 12:


constexpr bool foo()
  std::string str2{"abcwe"};
  return str2.size()==5;


int main()

As far as I know, there is no gcc 13 for Cygwin yet, but on Linux and FreeBSD 
this does compile with gcc 13.


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