On 18/10/2024 20:54, José Isaías Cabrera wrote:
On Friday, October 18, 2024 03:32 PM, Sam Edge expressed:
 > you
 > should be using a Microsoft or MSYS2/MinGW native (or Cygwin MinGW
 > cross) toolchain and pointing it to Windows native Tcl libraries.

I am. These are my commands in cygwin to create the tools:

To install the new version in cygwin:
./configure --enable-all --prefix=/usr --disable-tcl && make install

I'm afraid my expertise (such as it is!) doesn't extend to MinGW, sorry, but you'll need to install or build MinGW compatible Tcl libraries and point your build tools to them. I see there are some available via Cygwin setup (packages mingw64-i686-tcl, mingw64-x86_64-tcl) but whether they are sufficient I don't know.

Since you're building non-Cygwin Windows binaries you may get more knowledgable support from the MinGW forums/mailing lists rather than here. Best of luck.

Sam Edge

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