
which package does cygwin have for automake-bin. I need aclocal because the 
software i am installing has a newer automake, autoconf, and libtool than what 
is available than the dir that resides in ./configure dir. It instructed me to 
do this:

thanks for any help guys.


Steps to Resolve the Issue
Install automake-bin:

Run the Cygwin setup executable (setup-x86_64.exe for 64-bit).
Search for automake-bin.
Make sure it is selected for installation.
Reinstall automake:

To ensure compatibility, you might also want to reinstall the automake package 
alongside automake-bin.
Verify Installation:

After installation, check if aclocal is now available:
Copy code
aclocal --version
Regenerate Build Files:

Once aclocal is installed, you can run the necessary commands to regenerate 
your project’s build files:
Copy code
automake --add-missing
Continue the Build Process:

After regenerating the files, proceed with configuring and building your 
Copy code
./configure --prefix=/usr/
By ensuring that both automake and automake-bin are installed, you should be 
able to resolve the version issues and successfully run aclocal. If you 
continue to face problems, please let me know!

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