On 04/09/2024 07:19, Fergus Daly via Cygwin wrote:
For exactly one particular purpose I still use 32-bit Cygwin.
Can I confirm that the appropriate setup exe file, with qualifiers, is
and that the exe file is v.2.931 md5sum f16028c684f3cf30ebeb08ca5fc2e51d?
(Just seems odd that the exe file was updated so recently, way after Nov 2022,
not much earlier than the current setup-x86_64.exe at v.2.932.) Thank you!
The automation currently still produces both 32-bit and 64-bit
installers when we update setup.
(although this probably will change, eventually)
PS Also, can't remember where I got the 32-bit setup file from, or anywhere on
the Cygwin website where I would get it .. .. probably not looking in the right
Start at https://cygwin.com/install.html#unsupported
Scroll down to "A note about 32-bit Cygwin" and follow the links.
Also, a visit to the Time Machine site cited above suggests the relevant setup
file is
(i.e. older) .. and which incidentally I also cannot locate!
The version of setup you use doesn't really matter (modulo bugs in setup
and/or the very rare occasions when the MinGW runtime it's linked with
changes the minimum Windows version it runs on (which is why a different
installer is suggested for <XP SP2)).
A collection of older versions is available at https://cygwin.com/setup/
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