Greetings, Adrian Breten!

> Hello,

> I am seeking assistance with configuring Cygwin to change the default
> directory when I SSH into my Windows machine.

> Currently, I have Cygwin installed on a Windows server 2016 machine on
> E:\Cygwin64. When I SSH into this machine, the default directory is set to
> `C:\`. However, I would like to change this so that I land in the `E:\` drive 
> instead.

> I have tried looking into SSH configuration files and user profiles but
> have not been successful in making this change. Could you please provide 
> guidance on how to achieve this?

> Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1. Make sure you are connecting to Cygwin's SSH, not Windows one.
This is likely what happens as Cygwin would have put you into your home
directory instead.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Wednesday, July 24, 2024 15:19:37

Sorry for my terrible english...

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