On 2024-07-07 11:12, ASSI via Cygwin wrote:
Federico Kircheis via Cygwin writes:
I could move the REQUIRES from the cygport file to somewhere else and
use it only myself, but at that point, why not use the REQUIRES?

What you want might actually be BUILD_REQUIRES?

You need to know the BUILD_REQUIRES to be able to install the required devel library packages, and build tools which are not automatically installed as cygport dependencies, and to run Scallywag CI builds in GH Actions or Appveyor.

CI builds are useful as they run in pristine containers, so anything missing causes the build and/or tests to fail.

Look in the package README, INSTALL, or other build docs for build prereqs, and as we are affiliated via Sourceware with RedHat and Fedora and follow some of their approaches, look for latest Fedora Rawhide RPM specs for dependencies; if not Fedora, OpenSuSE Tumbleweed specs; otherwise Gentoo ebuild, Debian sid/unstable control + rules, or Arch PKGBUILD package build recipes, similar to cygport, and also any patches they provide, as they may be useful on Cygwin.

These are all accessible from repology.org by searching for a package, listing all platforms, and navigating from the package link beside each platform, until you find the package build source files.

You can refer to external source files and patches directly in cygport by appending to SRC_URI or PATCH_URI, linking directly to the *RAW* source files.

Given that you must know the build dependencies, you can follow the runtime dependencies by checking for any library packages provided and required by each of the devel packages in setup.ini (-S):

$ echo flac-devel, libao-devel, libavcodec-devel, libavformat-devel, libcddb-devel, libcdio_paranoia-devel, libdiscid-devel, libmad-devel, libmodplug-devel, libmpcdec-devel, libncurses-devel, libopusfile-devel, libpulse-devel, libsamplerate-devel, libvorbis-devel, libwavpack-devel | sed 's/,//g' | xargs cygcheck-dep -cqSr

Then check for any (non-devel) packages needed by each of the library packages in setup.ini (-S):

$ cygcheck-dep -cqSn libFLAC{++10,12} libao{,4} libavcodec61 libavformat61 libcddb2 libcdio_cdda2 libcdio_paranoia2 libdiscid0 libmad0 libmodplug1 libmpcdec7 libncurses{,++}w10 libopusfile0 libpulse{-mainloop-glib,-simple,}0 libsamplerate0 libvorbis{,0,enc2,file3} libwavpack1

which you may be able to simplify with some long command lines or short scripts.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis              Calgary, Alberta, Canada

La perfection est atteinte                   Perfection is achieved
non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter  not when there is no more to add
mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retirer     but when there is no more to cut
                                -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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