I've enabled XDMCP on a local (debian/lightdm) box, and can
successfully connect to it from Cygwin using a modified version of
startxwin in order to launch

  /usr/bin/XWin :1 -clipboard -dpi 100 -query [my host] -auth 

All works well, useful work is done, go and have a coffee, come back
and it's frozen (cursor follows mouse, but no kbd or click has any

Leave it a while longer, and it goes black.  I _think_ the problem is
at the Cygwin end, because if I ssh to the Linux box, I can, for
example, connect to and use an (x)emacs instance I launched inside the
XDMCP instance while it was still working.  But the changes to that
editor window are not reflected on what I can see (but not affect) on
the Cygwin viewer.

Any suggestions welcome, wrt configuration, XWin args or debugging
steps I might try, on either side.

And yes, I do know about vnc, and will probably give up and go back to
that, but it has some frustrating niggles of its own...


       Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
                10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, SCOTLAND
                           e-mail: h...@inf.ed.ac.uk
                      URL: https://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~ht/
 [mail from me _always_ has a .sig like this -- mail without it is forged spam]

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