Greetings, Dan Shelton!

>> Then just change /etc/nsswitch.conf to enumerate "local" as well
>> and be done with it.

> That file is read-only for some customer installations, and we are not
> allowed to touch it.

Then tell the system administrator to touch it.

>> You can even go so far as to use the Windows enumerator, i.e.,
>>   $ net localgroup
>> and than script it to use its output as input to getent group
>> for only the groups you really need info for.

> net localgroup changes layout and messages per system locale. That
> might be nice to watch as a human user, but impossible to write a
> parser. That damn thing does not honor LC_ALL, and I am now basically
> forced to write custom parsers for each customers language.

Try `chcp 65001` before calling to it. It may behave better then.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Friday, April 26, 2024 12:02:05

Sorry for my terrible english...

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