On 2024-04-21 17:24, Dan Shelton via Cygwin wrote:
On Sat, 20 Apr 2024 at 05:37, Brian Inglis via Cygwin <cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:
On 2024-04-19 17:09, Dan Shelton via Cygwin wrote:
1. Windows has DOS namespaces per user, or per Logon.
Can anyone explain this from a Win32 API point of view how they are kept
Ask on SuperUser *NOT* SO!
I cannot follow you. What should I do?
You asked the same question on StackOverflow group and was told that was not the
appropriate group - SuperUser is the appropriate StackOverflow group.
2. If I have Administrator rights, is there a way in /proc where I can
/bin/ls -la or /bin/find -ls all those DOS namespaces and soft links
to the real devices?
Cygwin exposes these MS Windows Executive Object Manager subsystem resource
objects under /proc/sys/ and object namespaces are per session under
/proc/sys/Sessions/ you have e.g.
$ ls -glo /proc/sys/Sessions/BNOLINKS/
total 0
lr--r--r-- 1 0 Apr 19 21:23 0 -> /proc/sys/BaseNamedObjects
lr--r--r-- 1 0 Apr 19 21:23 1 -> /proc/sys/Sessions/1/BaseNamedObjects
so each session has its own set of BaseNamedObjects, which you can list with
appropriate permissions, or using a tree browser.
Now where does the "1" in /proc/sys/Sessions/1/BaseNamedObjects come
from? Is there a Cygwin or Win32 API for that?
It's the MS Windows session number for the first user session.
You can access them using Cygwin or MS Windows directory lookups or tree
browsers, as I said.
Search microsoft.com for Windows sessions for details about MS Windows APIs.
Under MS Windows you can use Sysinternals WinObj64 to browse the hierarchy and
What is that?
If you do not yet know that, perhaps you should not yet be digging into these MS
Windows Executive subsystem objects.
Some of these questions seem very abstract - are these academic questions or
Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis Calgary, Alberta, Canada
La perfection est atteinte Perfection is achieved
non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter not when there is no more to add
mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retirer but when there is no more to cut
-- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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