On Fri, 08 Mar 2024 21:53:10 +0900 (JST)
Masamichi Hosoda wrote:
> Hi
> If I understand correctly,
> the system font cache directory setting in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf
> provided by libfontconfig-common-2.15.0-2 is wrong.
> In /etc/fonts/fonts.conf provided by libfontconfig-common-2.13.1-2
> ```
>        <cachedir>/var/cache/fontconfig</cachedir>
> ```
> So `fc-cache -s` creates system font cache files in `/var/cache/fontconfig`.
> It is correct because `/var/cache` is a common system cache directory.
> In /etc/fonts/fonts.conf provided by libfontconfig-common-2.15.0-2
> ```
>        <cachedir>LOCAL_APPDATA_FONTCONFIG_CACHE</cachedir>
> ```
> So `fc-cache -s` creates system font cache files
> `LOCAL_APPDATA_FONTCONFIG_CACHE` directory is created
> in the *current* directory when fc-cache.
> It is wrong because it means that
> processes with different current directories have
> different system font cache directories,
> and the caches are no longer shared.

Thanks for the report. You are right.
I'll release 2.15.0-3 to fix that.

Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp>

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