
I've run into a problem with clang on Cygwin 3.5.1 and 3.6. My machine
does not have much disk space left, so I switched TMPDIR to the
network drive. But clang then failed, like this:

$ cat x.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int ac, char *av[]) { puts("hello world"); return 0 ; }
$ mkdir /cygdrive/t/tmpdir
$ TMPDIR=/cygdrive/t/tmpdir clang x.c
error: unable to open output file '/cygdrive/t/tmpdir/x-01564d.o':
      'Operation not permitted'
1 error generated.

/cygdrive/t/tmpdir/ is a clean dir.
/usr/bin/touch /cygdrive/t/tmpdir/dummy works without problems

How can I debug this further?

Dan Shelton - Cluster Specialist Win/Lin/Bsd

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