> Maybe Cygwin should just ask Windows for the name servers?

Cygwin does ask Windows, by default, when gethostbyname() or getnameinfo() are 
used (which most applications do).
The lookup does not depend on /etc/resolv.conf unless you configured it to do 
so in "options" in there.
(That would be "options osquery".)  So generally, it's Windows which actually 
sends a DNS request
and processes the result back (Cygwin then uses that information).

"host" and "dig" are special beasts, in that respect, as they don't use the 
Windows DNS query API
but form and send DNS requests on their own, which is why they need a properly 
/etc/resolv.conf file, to know what servers to use.


Anton Lavrentiev
Contractor NIH/NLM/NCBI

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