On 21/01/2024 22:13, Brian Inglis via Cygwin wrote:
On 2024-01-21 14:12, ASSI via Cygwin wrote:
Brian Inglis via Cygwin writes:
Previous maintainer added some artificial single digit release
prefixes (in a few packages), but we decided to drop those and use the
release date directly as used in the package.

That is the upstream versioning scheme for patch releases or beta
versions, which can't be used directly on Cygwin without losing the
release part of the package version.
You might want to go for something like 6.4+20240120-1 instead.

I'm not sure that's the right solution

Ideally, V should be the upstream version label.

If upstream really is making multiple releases called '6.4', which we're supposed to distinguish by some other means, then there aren't really any good answers...

See the mess that is https://repology.org/project/ncurses/information, where everyone makes up there own scheme.

Good point, but I figured we could add the suffix .1 or something if we could not get a change merged upstream: the snapshots are weekly or better in ncurses, although others not so often, and I have no idea how they decide when to release a new GNU version 6.5?

What happens if we change versioning from 6.4-yyyymmdd to 6.4+yyyymmdd-1?

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