> that it matters at all, I'd like to +1 the suggestion/request of picking up 
> support for
> setproctitle(3) in the next available release.

>> in which case I'd prefer to implement this via setproctitle(3), given
>> this API exists on BSD and Linux.

Well, I don't think setproctitle(3) exists on Linux everywhere (at least not on 
the version that
we have around here), but I second that adding it to Cygwin would be 
beneficial, regardless.

prctl(PR_SET_NAME) exists on Linux but is very limited, so we can't even use it 
for our
purposes...  We do a hack of modifying the argv[] array, in a way different 
than Cygwin's, though.

Anton Lavrentiev
Contractor NIH/NLM/NCBI

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