On Jan 11 15:00, Martin Wege via Cygwin wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 8, 2024 at 3:11 PM Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin
> <cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:
> so this is IMO OK.

Yeah, but...

It's not just an open flag, it requires extending functionality of other
APIs and, for full support, tools, see

It's also rather weird to call alternate data streams "extended
attributes", because that's just a small part of streams and it's
already supported via the Linux functions getxattr(2) and friends, see

> > Apart from that, this sounds like a nice idea for Cygwin 3.6,
> > provided somebody implements it, https://cygwin.com/acronyms/#SHTDI
> >
> > Assuming we can live without actually having a subdir and just
> > allowing to open and create a file with the O_XATTR flag, it might be
> > pretty simple to implement.  The path handling code would just have to
> > drop the colon from the list of characters converted to the private-use
> > Unicode area.
> >
> > Implementing the subdir is a bit more complicated, especially when
> > taking opendir/readdir of that virtual subdir into account, but it
> > would certainly be doable.
> How do other OSes implement the O_XATTR subdir?

IDK.  But there are a few points we have to keep in mind from the
Solaris man page:

- Given fd is an open file descriptor,

    openat(fd, ".", O_RDONLY|O_XATTR);

  opens the virtual subdir containing the ADS of a file.  It's the
  only valid way to open the virtual dir.  That's a bit of a relief
  because it simplifies handling this in openat(2).

    openat(fd, "foo", ...|O_XATTR);

  allows to create or open an ADS for an open file fd.

- unlinkat, renameat, fstatat, fchownat, futimesat and fdopendir need to
  be made ADS-aware.  They only work on ADS if the fd arg already
  resolves to an ADS, or if fd is the virtual ADS dir of a file and
  (except in case of fdopendir) the path argument is the name of an
  existing ADS.

- pathconf needs to support a new flag XATTR_ENABLED.

This can be made to work given the current fhandler framework in Cygwin,
but again, https://cygwin.com/acronyms/#SHTDI

FTR, I'm generally not a friend of ADS, because they look like a builtin
security problem.  They don't show up in standard directory listings,
and you can't even see that a file has ADS, except you look for them
explicitely.  This is a really user-unfriendly interface.


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