On 27/12/2023 14:33, Torra Coll-Oms wrote:
Dear Jon,

we've read your post from Jul 9 announcing that the python 2 package has
been removed from cygwin (

Is there any way to get the old package python 2 and install it in the
newer cygwin version?
There is no official way of doing this, and any instructions I might give would probably stop working at some unknown point in the future.

What you can do is install the last historical Cygwin before python2 was removed, using the Cygwin time machine [1].

A *fresh* install using something like 'setup-x86_64 -X -O -s http://ctm.crouchingtigerhiddenfruitbat.org/pub/cygwin/circa/64bit/2023/07/08/131151' and then select python2 and any other needed packages for installation should work.

[1] http://www.crouchingtigerhiddenfruitbat.org/Cygwin/timemachine.html

Many thanks to Peter Castro for providing this archive.

We have lots of python 2.7 scripts that due to budget issues we are not
able to migrate soon to python 3.

No comment.

Our two machines where cygwin was running have been updated to win10 and a
new version of cygwin has been installed. Thus we are not able to run our
python scripts at all.

PS: I apologize for writing you directly. I have no idea how to post into
cygwin mail list. It seems that there is only the option to subscribe or to

The cygwin mailing list is currently open access, that is, anyone can send a mail to it, without being a subscriber. The email address for the list is also shown on the mailman page which invites you to subscribe.

Please do not contact me directly in future.

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