Greetings, Martin Wege!

> The root cause is IMO the extra Win32 syscalls (>= 3 per file lookup,
> compared to 1 on Linux) to lookup the *.lnk and *.exe.lnk files on
> filesystems which have native link support (NTFS, ReFS, SMBFS, NFS).

Except you require elevation to actually create symlinks.
Or some special system configuration.

> On SMBFS and NFS it hurts the most, because access latency is the
> highest for networked filesystems.

> So my proposal would be to add an option ('fslinktypes') to the CYGWIN
> environment variable to define which types of links are supported:
> default 'all'. which is an shortcut for 'native,lnk,lnkexe'.
> So in case people do not want 'lnk' link support they just add
> CYGWIN+=' fslinktypes:native' to env, to turn off support for
> lnk/lnk.exe style links, and be happy.

> @Corinna Vinschen Would that be acceptable?

Make a patch to begin discussion.
Also, not all mangling is meaningful to disable. F.e. disabling .exe magic on
Windows would be surprising to the end user.

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Friday, December 22, 2023 21:50:58

Sorry for my terrible english...

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