On Dec 7 15:35, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] via Cygwin wrote: > Hi Corinna, > > I have a question about this tool getVolInfo that has recently "made the > news". > > Just updated my version to the latest and tried it on my drive C:, and > specifically this is what bugs me: > > $ /usr/lib/csih/getVolInfo.exe . > ... > SectorInfoFlags : 0x03 > SSINFO_FLAGS_NO_SEEK_PENALTY : FALSE > SSINFO_FLAGS_TRIM_ENABLED : FALSE > > I presume the values shown are described here: > https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-fscc/3e75d97f-1d0b-4e47-b435-73c513837a57 > > But my drive (well, all NTFS) does have TRIM enabled: > > $ fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify > DisableDeleteNotify = 0 > > Which is also confirmed by other tools... (like SSD "dashboards" etc.)
Yes, but! fsutil behavior query disabledeletenotify *only* shows if the OS supports disabledeletenotify, i.e., TRIM, on a system-wide base(*). It does *not* tell you if TRIM is really enabled on an existing filesystem on any of your drives. TRIM is only enabled on a filesystem, if the underlying drive actually supports TRIM. The majority of SSDs support it, but not necessarily all SSDs. The above values, in particular SSINFO_FLAGS_NO_SEEK_PENALTY being FALSE, indicate that your drive is actually not an SSD, but a rotating harddisk, or it's an SSD which fakes to be a rotating harddisk. I have a laptop with a Samsung 830 SSD, and getVolInfo prints: SectorInfoFlags : 0x0f SSINFO_FLAGS_NO_SEEK_PENALTY : TRUE SSINFO_FLAGS_TRIM_ENABLED : TRUE I'm running a with NTFS and ReFS on virtual filebacked drives, the ReFS actually spanning two virtual drives. csih prints SectorInfoFlags : 0x0b SSINFO_FLAGS_NO_SEEK_PENALTY : FALSE SSINFO_FLAGS_TRIM_ENABLED : TRUE for the NTFS FS, and SectorInfoFlags : 0x03 SSINFO_FLAGS_NO_SEEK_PENALTY : FALSE SSINFO_FLAGS_TRIM_ENABLED : FALSE for the ReFS FS. Corinna (*) FWIW, on Windows 11, this is even split into two values for NTFS and ReFS separately. -- Problem reports: https://cygwin.com/problems.html FAQ: https://cygwin.com/faq/ Documentation: https://cygwin.com/docs.html Unsubscribe info: https://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple