On 03/12/2023 17:45, Cedric Blancher via Cygwin wrote:
Good evening!

What is the maximum path length and path element (single file, dirname
length) in Win32 API, Cygwin APIs on Windows 11, and SFU on Win7?

There seems to be some confusion, docs cite 256, 260 and 32k, and
getconf PATH_MAX / returns 4096.

What is the maximum supported in the Win32 API, what is the maximum
supported in Cygwin, and what applications and drivers need to expect?


for Cygwin look at


$ grep -rH PATH_MAX .
./config.h:#define __FILENAME_MAX__ 4096 /* Keep in sync with PATH_MAX in limits.h. */
./limits.h:#define __PATH_MAX 4096


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