On 30/11/2023 22:05, Jon Turney wrote:
On 30/11/2023 20:23, airplanemath via Cygwin wrote:
To whom it may concern,

An automated script started failing yesterday, apparently because it could not find the lapack and blas DLLs.  On investigation, only liblapack-devel was installed, not liblapack0.  Should we be updating scripts to explicitly install liblapack0 when
using some executable linked with liblapack-devel?

No. I think this was a build error in a recent lapack update.


I adjusted this on sourceware.

I think the cygport maybe needs something like DEPS_PATH="/usr/lib/lapack/" for the dependency to be automatically detected correctly, if libpack0 isn't already installed.

I will look for most effective solutions


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