
I've installed cygwin 3.4.9-1 in my virtualbox running on Windows 10.
After installing defaults plus openssh 9.5p 1-1, I open the Cygwin64-Terminal 
as Administrator and
run ssh-host-config.
Answered "yes" to create the /etc/ssh_config and /etc/sshd_config
Answered "no" to use StrictMode
and "yes" to install sshd as a service
I just press <enter> for the question for "Value of CYGWIN for the daemon".

cygrunsrv -S cygsshd will not start the sshd. "QueryServiceStatus:  Win32 error 

I tried "ssh-keygen -A" - but no keys created.
I have no $HOME/.ssh or /etc/ssh and create them. Both owned by me with 
u=rwx,go=rw. I tried ssh-
keygen again but without success.
I also tried ssh-host-config again. It says "*** Info: Generating missing SSH 
host keys" but I still
have no keys in /etc/ssh or $HOME/.ssh


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