On 9/28/2023 1:56 PM, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] via Cygwin wrote:
What do you think that output is - the PTR is resolved to "localhost."
You obviously did not get the point that I was making.  Using ip6.arpa *is* the 
way to get around with "DNS-like" IPv6 addresses, as it would be "understood".  
the "ipv6-literal.net" domain is not portable and would result in NXDOMAIN 
but Windows (where the resolver seems to intercept and convert them internally).

The ip6.arpa names are used to lookup PTR records which contain hostnames.

The ipv6-literal.net names are used to simulate AAAA records and map the name to an IPv6 address (with an optional address scope).

For those that are unaware of the history[1][2][3], UNC names support the use of IPv4 addresses as an alternative to SMB server names or DNS host names. End users expect to be able to specify a UNC path such as \\2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348\share



However, colons are illegal in UNC paths and therefore standard IPv6 representations cannot be used. The <encoded-ipv6-addr>.ipv6-literal.net server name is a method of representing an IPv6 address as a UNC server name such that it can be locally translated by getaddrinfo() into an IPv6 address without querying DNS. \\2001-db8-85a3-8d3-1319-8a2e-370-7348.ipv6-literal.net\share

If the ipv6.arpa 

was used as a server name and treated as a DNS AAAA lookup that would be harder 
humans to construct and no more portable.   The ip6.arpa representation would 
be unable to represent IPv6 address scopes which are supported by 

I am unaware of any Microsoft Windows APIs that can be called to translate from
an IPv6 address to an ipv6-literal.net string.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6_address#Literal_IPv6_addresses_in_UNC_path_names [2] https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20100915-00/?p=12863 [3] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winnetwk/nf-winnetwk-wnetaddconnection3a

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