On 2023-08-12 05:34, Cedric Blancher via Cygwin wrote:
Good afternoon!

On Fri, 11 Aug 2023 at 18:21, Brian Inglis <brian.ing...@shaw.ca> wrote:

On 2023-08-11 09:45, Cedric Blancher via Cygwin wrote:
Does Cygwin have a tool like lsof which can list which files or
directories are in use by a Windows process?

You can check these things yourself using the Cygwin Search Packages page:


type "usr/bin/lsof" and hit Enter:


         Search Results

         Found 0 matches for usr/bin/lsof

and the same on the command line:

         $ cygcheck -p usr/bin/lsof
         Found 0 matches for usr/bin/lsof

but Cygwin does have fuser:

$ cygcheck -p usr/bin/fuser
Found 6 matches for usr/bin/fuser
cygfuse-3.2.0-2 - cygfuse: Cygwin interface to Windows FUSE providers
cygfuse-3.2.0-3 - cygfuse: Cygwin interface to Windows FUSE providers
psmisc-debuginfo-22.20-1 - psmisc-debuginfo: Debug info for psmisc
psmisc-debuginfo-23.4-4 - psmisc-debuginfo: Debug info for psmisc
psmisc-22.20-1 - psmisc: Utilities for managing processes on your system
psmisc-23.4-4 - psmisc: Utilities for managing processes on your system

and Windows has openfiles:

$ cmd /c help openfiles

OPENFILES /parameter [arguments]

      Enables an administrator to list or disconnect files and folders
      that have been opened on a system.

Parameter List:
      /Disconnect      Disconnects one or more open files.

      /Query           Displays files opened locally or from shared

      /Local           Enables / Disables the display of local open files.

      /?               Displays this help message.

      OPENFILES /Disconnect /?
      OPENFILES /Query /?
      OPENFILES /Local /?

Thank you.

But neither openfiles or fuser seem to work in this case, even if I
have a file open in my bash shell, and call fuser in the same bash

bash -c 'command exec {n}</mynfsmount/myfile.txt ; echo "fd=$n" ;
fuser -a /mynfsmount ; true'



(no processes listed, which might be correct, as maybe a non cygwin
process has that file open)

I use it to tell me when build processes close their logs.

Currently on X (lightly sanitized):

$ fuser -av ~/.xsession-errors
Cannot stat file /proc/14838/fd/0: No such device or address
Cannot stat file /proc/14838/fd/1: No such device or address
Cannot stat file /proc/14838/fd/2: No such device or address
Cannot stat file /proc/14931/fd/0: No such device or address
Cannot stat file /proc/14931/fd/1: No such device or address
Cannot stat file /proc/14931/fd/2: No such device or address
                        USER      PID ACCESS COMMAND
                        $USER   14962 F.... fbxkb
                        $USER   14935 F.... xwin-xdg-menu
                        $USER   14964 F.... mintty

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis              Calgary, Alberta, Canada

La perfection est atteinte                   Perfection is achieved
non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter  not when there is no more to add
mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retirer     but when there is no more to cut
                                -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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