On 01/06/2023 03:45, Mike Gran via Cygwin wrote:
On Saturday, May 13, 2023 at 11:40:01 PM PDT, Marco Atzeri via Cygwin-announce via
Cygwin <cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:
Version 3.0.9-2 of
have been uploaded for cygwin.
Hello Marco and Cygwin:
Where can I find the source patches that Cygwin uses for guile3.0?
On Github, for some project, I'm trying to make my own
CI/CD nightly build of upstream Guile's main branch on a
handful of OSs, and I'm having a bit of trouble getting Cygwin
to build.
If anyone's curious, here's my Github Action YML so far.
Mike Gran
Hi Mike,
download the source package.
You can use setup to install it or going directly to one of the mirror like
All the patches and the cygport script to build it are there
I have not yet (moved) uploaded the guile cygwin patches in the expected
canonical repository for cygwin.
It is on the long TODO list
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