On 4/14/2023 3:11 PM, Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin wrote:
On Apr 13 23:03, Eliot Moss via Cygwin wrote:
Dear cygwin'ers -

I seem to be caught in a bind with the Cygwin permissions setup.

ssh insists that ~/.ssh/config have permissions no less permissive than 
rw------- (600).

Huh?  No, it doesn't, usually.  My file has perms rw-r--r-- (644) and
that's perfectly fine.  Also, I tried the same setting as you did,
i. e.

$ getfacl config
# file: config
# owner: corinna
# group: vinschen

And ssh still works as desired and does not throw any error.

You can also add g:SYSTEM:r-x to the directories and it should have
no negative side effect.  I just did that with ~/.ssh and ssh still
works as expected.

Of course you're entirely right, Corinna!  Not sure how I got it
in my head that it needed 600 permissions.  Thank you for clarifying!

However ... ssh *does* demand that key files be accessible only by
the user.  Is there a solution - if necessary using Windows tools -
to make ssh happy while allowing a SYSTEM backup tool to back up
the file?

Regards - Eliot

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