Martin Magnusson wrote:
> Max Bowsher wrote:
>  > Does it hang in the middle of installing a package, or between
>  > packages?
> It varies. Now I have actually managed to install the basic Cygwin
> packages (everything set to default, no compilers or anything). It
> worked on the second attempt. But I'm still struggling, trying to add
> gcc and such (from my local directory). After I installed the basics I
> ran setup-2.303 again, and  only checked the Devel category. The first
> time it hung when starting to install doxygen, and the second time it
> hung in the middle of /usr/.../texinfo.tex.
>  > Does the MD5sum check go OK?
> Yes, all of the MD5sum checks go OK.
> I also just scanned my hard drives again (including the free space)
> with NDD, and it didn't report any problems.

I'm out of ideas. I'm sorry, I can't think of any problem that could cause
this. If you can install gdb, and use it on debug build of setup, you might
turn up something. I don't know.


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