Elfyn McBratney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Im pretty sure, it makes sense to me and kinda confirmed in the mknetrel
> script, that Chris (cgf) uses cross gcc, binutils and maybe more that are
> targetted for i{3,4,5,6?}86-pc-cygwin... So you'd need to compile at very
> least a cross-compiler for cygwin.

yup that's what i want to do. however i'm not very experienced (not at
all) with building cross compilers. i've tried to build binutils and gcc
with target=i586-cygwin-pc but both failed on me.
i've googled around for a more detailed howto than the one i've found
which was quite outdated (b20, egcs 1.1.x) but didn't find anything.

maybe cgf wants to share a bit of his wisdom? :)


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