> -----Original Message-----
> From: Randall R Schulz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Saturday, February 01, 2003 2:01 AM
> Subject: RE: bash & $PS1 (display error)
> At 20:37 2003-01-31, Rolf Campbell wrote:
> >My prompt is (from the script below) "PS1='$PWD> '".  All of the 
> >characters are 'printable' and none are \[\] enclosed.
> Rolf,
> Is 'printable' different than plain old printable?

> Anyway, I can repeat this (and other concomitant artifacts, too).
> It looks like a bug.
> I like current directory feedback, too, but I hate it in the prompt. 
> Putting it in the window title bar is nice, however. If you like that 
> idea, try this or something similar:
> PS1=$'\[\e]0; \u :: \W (\w)\a\]\!> '

I tried just setting my prompt to some long static string (200 a's), and
it produced the same result.  This problem has nothing to do with
printing a path in a prompt.


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