Am 16/11/2022 um 13:52 schrieb Ilya Zakharevich:
If I do
   man man
in a Windows’ console, I get garbage on screen before I press
Windows console is what you start with Win+R cmd, right? Works fine for me.
Why don't you run cygwin programs in a proper cygwin environment to avoid such trouble?

Contrary to
   man man
this cannot be overwritten by setting
   set MANPAGER=less -sr
.  (However, this may be overwritten by setting
   set PAGER=less -sr

In my particular setup, it would be enough if the bug with MANPAGER is
fixed.  However, it seems that setting the default man’s pager to
   less -sr
should be a much better solution.

Hope this helps,

P.S.  It seems that the mailing list does not allow attaching the output!
       So I retry with a shortened version…

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