On Tue, Sep 06, 2022 at 01:41:35PM -0400, Norton Allen wrote:
On 9/6/2022 1:21 PM, Federico Kircheis wrote:

in the email I received when I registered myself to the cygwin mailing list, it was possible to "send" some administrative commands, for example:

You can start a subscription for an alternate address,
for example "john@host.domain", just add a hyphen and your
address (with '=' instead of '@') after the command word:

As I am not using the current address as main address anymore, but the command does not work; I've received an automatic reply with error 550 that the address was not found

I've reported the issue to cygwin-apps-ow...@cygwin.com (as suggested in the registration email), but never got a response (this was three months ago).

Who do I need to contact for updating my mail address?

I am also maintaining a couple of program, I'm mentioning just in case it is relevant.



Have you tried the form here:


No, I did not.

I did it now, and it seemed to work without issues.

Thank you very much.

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