On Sun, 10 Jul 2022 at 15:35, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Greetings, All!
> I'm experimenting with programs to replace my current keyboard switcher (which
> is good, but do not behave well with "modern" idiotic applications based on
> Chromium/Electron).
> found one that works nearly exactly as I'd like, but one problem had arisen:
> to implement non-intrusive "CapsLock as keyboard switch" functionality, it
> using native Windows functionality to remap the key to F24, and use that one
> to switch layouts. Everything is good until I launch mintty, where every press
> of the key prints "5~" in console in addition to switching the layout.
> I suppose it is in its own right on this one (the key is real, after all), but
> is there a way to filter the key so that it does not get down to the
> applications?

Hi Andrey,

I think adding this setting to the .minttyrc should do the job:


Alternatively, if you get a choice in the matter, you might want to
use the even more obscure yet quite fittingly named VK_SELECT (0x29)
as your switching keycode.

Also, Windows has the builtin Win+Space combination for switching
keyboards, but I expect you've tried that.


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