Quan Ding wrote:
> Since I'm totally new to cygwin, (I just installed it
> a couple of days ago) it turns out that I had a lot of
> questions while getting familiar with it. I hate
> asking them here cause I believe they are very simple
> questions and probably lots of people had the same
> questions before. But the cygwin and cygwin-xfree docs
> and faqs are kind of too short and don't provide
> enough information to answer my questions and strangly
> enough, I couldn't find the answer here by doing
> keyword search. So is there any manuals for newbies
> somewhere on the net that I don't know? Or I have to
> keep bothering you guys? :)

I don't know of any "Beginner's Guide to Cygwin" docs.

Try asking a question here. If you could have found the answer without
emailing here, I guarantee you will be told :-)


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